Table of Contents
Table Talk
Janna M. Smith
Memoir: My Father Is a Book
Mark Crees
Books: Wordsworth’s Prelude
Jim Powell
Poem: Ode on Water
Bryn Canner
Books: The Extracurricular Life of Poetry
Roy Jacobstein
Poem: Don’t You Love Spanish
Reginald Shepherd
Poem: The Tendency of Dropped Objects to Fall
Isabel Colegate
Preface: The Shooting Party
Kay Ryan
Poem: The Past
Thom Gunn, Wendy Lesser, Thomas Laqueur,
Louise Gluck, Irene Oppenheim, Ramie Targoff,
Elizabeth Kendall, Edwin Frank,
Alexander Nehamas
Symposium: Thomas Mann’s Buddenbrooks
César Pérez Gracia
Fiction: A Man of Uncommon Skill
P. M. F. Johnson
Poem: The Finch’s Family Niche
Steve Vineberg
Theater/Film: The Beckett Plays
David Wagoner
Poem: Bad Chairs
Robin Romm
Fiction: Lost and Found
Lynne Sharon Schwartz
Film: Stone Reader
Dean Young
Poem: Skipping the Reception
Bert Keizer
Medicine: Tales of Empathy
David Salner
Poem: In Another Mug Shot