Table of Contents

Table Talk

Ben Moorad
Poem: d. 1915

Thom Gunn
Poem: Gossip

P. N. Furbank
Books: Selected Writings by Walter Benjamin
(ed. Bullock and Jennings)

Mairi MacInnes
Poem: The Anarchist

Jessica Roeder
Books: Talking to My Body by Anna Swir
(tr. Milosz and Nathan)

W. S. Di Piero
Poem: Skirts and Slacks

Czeslaw Milosz, Chana Bloch, Anne Carson, Paul Bowles, Julia Mitric, Lisa Michaels, Paul Duguid, Deborah Treisman, Rosanna Warren, Elizabeth Mollison
Symposium on Translation

Peter Demetz
Memoir: A Difficult Return to Prague

Kim Addonizio
Poem: Quantum

Ida Fink
Fiction: The Hand

Wendy Lesser
Dance: Falling Down Stairs

Kurt Olsson
Poem: The Death of Diogenes

August Kleinzahler
Poem: Sunday Morning

Steve Vineberg
Film: The English Patient and Shine

Linh Dinh
Fiction: 555

Wislawa Szymborska
Poem: The End and the Beginning



Cover: David Smith-Harrison, Orchard II (reproduced courtesy of the Couturier Gallery).