Table of Contents

Table Talk

W. S. Di Piero
Poem: The Processionals

Anna Hartford
Memoir: Odd Jobs

Louis B. Jones
Books: Love and Freindship: and Other Youthful Writings by Jane Austen

Malcolm Forbes
Books: Grand Hotel by Vicki Baum

Nate Klug
Poem: Matinee

Max Nelson
Books: Substitute by Nicholson Baker

Jess Hazlewood
Poem: Strange Intimacy

Tariq al Haydar
Perspective: A Deficiency of Lyricism

Todd Heldt
Poem: A Concerned American Tries
Greek Food for the First Time

Hannah Christopher
Fiction: The UFO

Christopher Ricks
Song: Bob Dylan’s Nobel Prize

Wendy Lesser
Dance: The Winter’s Tale
and The Golden Cockerel

Eugene Dubnov
Poem: Outside Yet Another Window

Emma Bogdonoff
Miscellany: Schrödinger’s Ovaries

Rafael Campo
Poem: Quatrains from the Clinic

Austin Smith
Poem: The Capacity of Speech

Steve Vineberg
Theater: Richard III

Javier Marías
Theater: Why I Hate the Theater

Charlie Geer
Places: Baby, It’s Cold Inside

Dean Young
Poem: Don’t Blame Me, I Voted
for a Hallucination

Hedin Brú

Fiction: Alone on Lítla Dímun



Cover Art: Anthony Hernandez, Los Angeles #8, 1971.

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