Table of Contents
Table Talk
Michael Chitwood
Poem: The Stairs
Alberto Manguel
Miscellany: The Fountain of Youth
Catullus (tr. Powell)
Poem: To Lesbia
Wendell Berry
Fiction: Drouth (1944)
Adam Zagajewski
Books: Inspiration and Impediment
D. Nurkse
Poem: The Power Point
Mimi Chubb
Books: Radiance by Louis B. Jones
Dean Young
Poem: Discharged into Clouds
Elizabeth Tallent
Books: Your Face Tomorrow by Javier Marías
C. K. Williams
Poem: Vile Jelly
Richard Locke
Art: Some Functions of a Museum
G. C. Waldrep
Poem: Hymn to Railway-Bridges
Gideon Lewis-Kraus
Theater: Habit
Leslie Elizabeth Adams
Poem: A Deconstruction
Steve Vineberg
Film: Busby Berkeley
Wendy Lesser
Dance: The Bright Stream
Arthur Lubow
Music: Lukas Ligeti
Andrea Cohen
Poem: Hubcap
Clifford Thompson
Memoir: Three Funerals and a Wedding
Georgia Tiffany
Poem: The Last Theorem
Wendell Berry
Fiction: Not a Tear (1945)
Letters to the Editor