The Threepenny Review would not be able to survive without donations, and we are always extremely grateful for this kind of support. The magazine is published by a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, also called The Threepenny Review, and this means that any donations made to us are fully tax-deductible. Donations from subscribers and other readers represent our largest single source of income; when added together with subscriptions, they pay for almost all of our regular operations.
Please click on one of the Donate buttons below, and you will be transferred to our secure form, where all the necessary information can be sent to us on a single page. We accept Visa and Mastercard for all online donations; our secure system will encrypt your credit card information for transmission. If you wish to give an amount that is not listed below, simply click on the “Other” option and specify your gift amount in the Comments section of our secure form. (If you prefer not to donate online, you can always mail us a check, payable to The Threepenny Review, at Donations, The Threepenny Review, P.O. Box 9131, Berkeley, California 94709. This too will be fully tax-deductible, and you will get a thank-you letter in the mail after we receive the check.)
Once you have submitted your donation, you will get an auto-reply thanking you for it, followed a week or two later by a personal letter from Wendy Lesser confirming your gift. If you use one of the pre-set options, the auto-reply will contain the amount of your gift; if you have specified your own amount, the reply will be a more general thank-you note, but Wendy’s letter will confirm the amount donated. Either the auto-reply or the personal letter can be used for IRS purposes to claim your tax deduction.
If you have any questions about this process at any time, you can always reach us by email or call us at (510) 849-4545. Thank you, in advance, for your generosity!
$25 donation to The Threepenny Review
$50 donation to The Threepenny Review
$100 donation to The Threepenny Review
$200 donation to The Threepenny Review
$300 donation to The Threepenny Review
$500 donation to The Threepenny Review
$1000 donation to The Threepenny Review
$1500 donation to The Threepenny Review
$2000 donation to The Threepenny Review
Other (please specify amount in Comments box on the next page)