Table of Contents
Table Talk
Geoff Dyer
Miscellany: The Despair of Art Deco
Ben Lerner
Poem: Spring of Grief
Bert Keizer
Medicine: Veterinary
David Ferry
Poem: Brunswick, Maine, Early Winter, 2000
Clifford Thompson
Books: Colson Whitehead’s Novels
W. S. Di Piero
Poem: Evening Errand
Wendy Lesser
Books: Art Matters by Peter de Bolla
Karen Bjorneby
Poem: Persephone’s Crown
John Kadvany
Books: The Metaphysical Club by Louis Menand
Frank Bidart
Poem: Curse
Michael Holroyd
Books: What Justifies Biography?
T. J. Clark, Millicent Dillon, Geoff Dyer,
Arthur Lubow, Lynne Sharon Schwartz,
Susan Sontag, Anne M. Wagner, James Wood
A Symposium on W. G. Sebald
C. K. Williams
Poem: Elegy for an Artist
Sarah Presite
Fiction: Night on the Susquehanna
Rick Barot
Poem: Study
Joe Goldberg
Music: Bob Dylan at Sixty
Michelle Boisseau
Poem: At My Brother’s Place
Steve Vineberg
Film: Mulholland Drive
Dan Bellm
Poem: Blessing Him
Wendell Mayo
Fiction: Most Secret
Kay Ryan
Poem: Not News
Javier Marías
The Law’s Infamous Delay
Letters to the Editor