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Table of Contents
Table Talk
Sharon Olds
Poem: From the Window of
My Home-Town Hotel
Ge Gao
Miscellany: A Survey of My Right Arm
Daisy Fried
Poem: Self Help
Evan M. Brooke
Language: The Shrinking Sentence
Christopher Craig
Books: Such Good Work
by Johannes Lichtman
Andrea Cohen
Poem: Notes on the Text
Peter Filkins
Books: Walking Backwards:
Poems 1966–2016 by John Koethe
Jane Hirshfield
Poem: It Was As If a Ladder
W. S. Di Piero, Clifford Thompson,
Katharine Michaels, Adam Phillips,
Michael Nott, Sarah Deming, Mark Padmore, Wendy Lesser, Louisa Proske
A Symposium on Desire
Susannah Sheffer
Poem: Mastery
Meng Jin
Fiction: In the Event
Ibe Liebenberg
Poem: PTSD
D. Nurkse
Poem: After an Attack
Abhrajyoti Chakraborty
Film: Carnage
Javier Marías
Photography: Louts
Georgia Tiffany
Poem: Daguerreotype of Unidentified Woman
A. Molotkov
Memoir: Avuncular Irregularities
Bennet Bergman
Poem: Singing Dog Poem
Ikechukwu Ogbu
Fiction: Our Old Neighbor
James Longenbach
Poem: In the Dolomites