Table of Contents
Table Talk
Frank Bidart
Two Poems: Like Lightning Across an
Open Field and You Cannot Rest
Greil Marcus
Memoir: Tied to History
Tony Hoagland
Poem: Complicit with Everything
Kay Ryan
Poem: Fool’s Paradise
Dan Chiasson
Books: Gulf Music by Robert Pinsky
Catullus (tr. Jim Powell)
Poem: Resolution
Jess Row
Books: Divisadero by Michael Ondaatje
Mimi Chubb
Books: Arlington Park by Rachel Cusk
Louise Glück
Poem: A Corridor
Teolinda Gersão
Fiction: The Reader
Dan Frank, Jonathan Galassi, Barbara Epler, Ethan Nosowsky, Edwin Frank,
Zachary Leader, Christopher Ricks,
Walter Murch, Frederick Wiseman
A Symposium on Editing
Wendy Lesser
Music: The Berlin Philharmonic
Steve Vineberg
Theater: King Lear and As You Like It
Henri Cole
Poem: Bats
Kathryn Crim
Art: Olafur Eliasson
Jill McDonough
Poem: Accident, Mass. Ave.
Javier Marías
Miscellany: Noises in the Night
Wendell Berry
Fiction: Fly Away, Breath
Rosanna Warren
Poem: Charon
David Gewanter
Poem: Three at 4:43
Letters to the Editor