Our ordering process allows you to make online purchases of subscriptions, single issues (including all back issues as well as the current issue), and signed books and broadsides.
For subscriptions and current issues, we will take you straight to our own secure order form, which will transmit all the required information on a single page. The basic prices are listed below. Subscriptions carry no shipping charges; for single issues we charge $5 to ship within the United States, $10 outside. To use this simple process, just click on the appropriate Order button and you will be presented with our secure form.
For back issues, signed books, and other items which vary in price, we have a slightly more elaborate system that takes you through our ABE listings. This allows you to use ABE's secure order form, which gives a detailed description of each item and displays all purchase costs, including shipping charges. Again, all you have to do is click on the Order button next to the item you wish to buy. If the back issue you want is not listed below, you can use the Threepenny Search Form to order earlier issues or to locate specific authors and titles.
We accept Visa and Mastercard for all online purchases (credit cards only, please—we aren't set up for debit). Our secure system will encrypt your credit card data for transmission. When you send in the order, you will automatically get a confirming email. We will receive the order immediately and fill it within a day or two. If you have any questions about the process at any time, you can always reach us by e-mail. (If you prefer, you can mail us a check in U.S. dollars to The Threepenny Review, P.O. Box 9131, Berkeley, California 94709, but in that case we won't be able to fill the order until we receive the check.)
By the way, don't forget our special online offer: a new one-year domestic subscription will include five issues rather than the usual four, which is our way of thanking you for signing up with us.
New Subscriptions
One-Year Domestic Subscription ($25.00) [includes free fifth issue]
Two-Year Domestic Subscription ($45.00)
One-Year Foreign Subscription ($50.00)
Gift Subscriptions
Gift Subscription: One-Year Domestic ($25.00) [includes free fifth issue]
Gift Subscription: Two-Year Domestic ($45.00)
Gift Subscription: One-Year Foreign ($50.00)
Subscription Renewal: One-Year Domestic ($25.00)
Subscription Renewal: Two-Year Domestic ($45.00)
Subscription Renewal: One-Year Foreign ($50.00)
Current Issue ($7.00 plus shipping)
Issue 172, Winter 2023
Past Issues (variable: mainly $10 to $15 plus shipping)
Issue 171, Fall 2022
Issue 170, Summer 2022
Issue 169, Spring 2022
Issue 168, Winter 2022
Issue 167, Fall 2021
Issue 166, Summer 2021
Issue 165, Spring 2021
Issue 164, Winter 2021
Issue 163, Fall 2020
Issue 162, Summer 2020
Issue 161, Spring 2020
Issue 160, Winter 2020
Issue 159, Fall 2019
Issue 158, Summer 2019
Issue 157, Spring 2019
Issue 156, Winter 2019
Issue 155, Fall 2018
Issue 154, Summer 2018
Issue 153, Spring 2018
Issue 152, Winter 2018
Issue 151, Fall 2017
NOTE: With ABE's Threepenny Search Form, you can order earlier issues (Issues 1-150), and you can also search through ALL back issues using author name or title of article.
Books and Other Items
Carson/Phillips Signed Broadside ($50.00 plus shipping)
Davis, Can't and Won't ($60.00 plus shipping)
Dyer, Zona: A Book about a Film about a Journey to a Room ($35.00 plus shipping)
Glück/Gunn/Hass Signed Broadside ($150.00 plus shipping)
Lesser (ed.), Hiding in Plain Sight ($60.00 plus shipping)
Li, Yiyun, Gold Boy, Emerald Girl ($45.00 plus shipping)
Malcolm, Two Lives: Gertrude and Alice ($60.00 plus shipping)
Milosz, Unattainable Earth ($300.00 plus shipping)
Milosz, Provinces ($250.00 plus shipping)
Ryan Signed Broadside ($50.00 plus shipping)
Tallent, Mendocino Fire ($25.00 plus shipping)
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